Ken Haas


Below is a sample of my credits – some poems that do not appear in Borrowed Light. In the Journals and Magazines section, you may link to individual poems on the relevant journal or magazine website by clicking on the specific poem title.

If you would like to see one of my past readings, please go to the Events page and click on one of the VIDEO buttons.


Fog and Light: San Francisco through the Eyes of the Poets who Live Here (Blue Light Press, 2021): “The Catch”, “Wells Fargo”, “At Mile Rocks”

Why to These Rocks: 50 Years of Poems from the Community of Writers (Heyday Books, 2021): “Apes for Pandas”

Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California (Scarlet Tanager, 2019): “Otter”, “Birthday Poem”

Open to Interpretation: Love + Lust (Pioneer Press, 2014): “Dream Box”

Marin Poetry Center Anthology (2013): “Funny Cide”

Marin Poetry Center Anthology (2013): “Birthday Poem”

The Place That Inhabits Us (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2010): “Land’s End”

Journals and Magazines

Cider Press Review (2020): “Instructing the Virus”

Oxford Magazine (2018): “Einstein” (page 12)

Green Hills Literary Lantern (2017): “Speak English”

Barely South (2017): “Whole Foods”

Swamp Ape Review (2017): “The Actor”

Stickman Review (2013): “The Church of Shame”

Forge (2012): “Seat Profile”

Tattoo Highway (2011): “The Bees Explain”

Book Reviews

Caesura: “Black Milk,” Tory Dent (2007)


Menacing Hedge (2016): “Blackberries,” “Lawns” (audio only).